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Posts are intended to be read in chronological order, with a new theme starting each week.

How Then Shall We Live: Reformation

Methodism began as a renewal movement within the Anglican church. John and Charles Wesley promoted ideas that were radically different from most of their peers, creating a new culture that combined aspects of different parts of English society along with key insights from the Gospels. Their movement swept through England and created a new denomination in the United States.
Today, the United Methodist Church appears to be an institution nearing the end of its life-cycle, not a lively movement of God.


"I'm not Jesus!"
a member of the Church Council
Once upon a time, in a galaxy not too far away, I needed to make a quick decision - one that required more authority than I had as pastor. The right thing to do was clear, but I needed the Church Council's blessing. A leader made phone calls to all of the Council members - some agreed right away, while others hemmed and hawed until she said "Well, do you think Jesus would vote yes?"
That question always got a quick "Of course." Hearing back, I went ahead with our planned course of action.
At the next Council meeting, one of the members asked to know what the vote was, and we reported that it was unanimous. He said "No it wasn't - I didn't vote for it." Upon recounting the conversation, he admitted "Just because Jesus would vote yes, doesn't mean that I did. I'm not Jesus."

Changing minds and changing behavior

"Faith has a limited effect on most people's behavior."
The Barna Group
The Barna Group studies the interaction of belief and behavior in America, focusing on differences between various Christian populations and the country at large. One of their most consistent findings over the years is disappointing, at least for Christian leaders: Christian beliefs have very little impact on how Americans live their lives. Statistically speaking, people with Christian beliefs tend to (a) attend a Christian church more often, and (b) volunteer at a Christian church more often, than non-Christians (surprise!). Otherwise, as groups our behavior isn't very different.


Ecclesia Semper Reformanda (The Church is always to be reformed)
- Karl Barth
Conversion is a common theme throughout the history of the Church. We stand on one side of a great divide, lost and separate from God; God reaches out to us and we are fundamentally changed, forgiven, given eyes to see and ears to hear. 

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind...

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect."
The Apostle Paul, Romans 12:2

"This world" is Paul's term for the cultural worldview in which we all live. This world is permeated through and through by "Sin" - not just the sins we commit, but a cosmic Actor, a force that is more powerful than humanity and opposed to God.
According to Paul, the baptized have the freedom to escape Sin's clutches and experience a life in Christ. We no longer have to live by the world's rules, following the world's values and evaluating our lives with the world's goals in mind. Instead, we can change from the inside out - experience metamorphosis - by having our minds renewed, by receiving a new worldview whose source is God.