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Posts are intended to be read in chronological order, with a new theme starting each week.

How Then Shall We Live: Living Sacrifices

“...ordained ministers devote themselves wholly to the work of the Church and to the upbuilding of the ministry of all Christians. ... The ordained ministry is defined by its faithful commitment to servant leadership following the example of Jesus Christ... ."
The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church-2012, ¶139.
Clergy work for God, not for money.

Ignore your neighbor, as you would have your neighbor ignore you?

At the age of 28, I was teaching at Wright State University. I was living "the good life" as it had been presented to me by my church. I had a wife and two children who loved me,  and a solid job with a good future. My relationship with God through Jesus was warm and comforting. Prayer was a regular part of each day, we lived a simple life, and we had plenty of money to share with others. I was not the knock-down-drag-out evangelist that some of my Sunday School teachers would have liked, but I enjoyed discussing faith both in the church and with students at work. I loved teaching, and had as much leisure as I wanted.

I'm not quite sure when I realized how selfish I was, but it was sometime during that year.

Gain All You Can

"And it is our bounden duty to do this: We ought to gain all we can gain, without buying gold too dear, without paying more for it than it is worth. But this it is certain we ought not to do: we ought not to gain money at the expense of life, nor (which is in effect the same thing) at the expense of our health."
John Wesley, "The Use of Money"
Paul tells us to consider ourselves "a living sacrifice." Jesus calls us to "take up your cross daily" and follow him. Are these words intended to lead us to a short life expended for others, or are we allowed to care for ourselves as well?

A Living Sacrifice

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."
The Apostle Paul, Romans 12:1